The Rich Young Ruler's Security

I was concerned when I typed in my blog address because I think I post 2-3 times a year and can never remember my sign in info. HA! I want to sit here and type all day. I want to think in black and white and edit and retype. But six children have been a Holy governor on me writing and I am really thankful. Really. I read through what I've written - I think it's too long and they're probably about 10 different topics. LOL But I won't blog again for another 6 months so here we go!

I've been thinking about my children. The Lawman and I find ourselves in a position of not being able to provide for all of the desires our children have as it relates to a private college education. They're not would almost be easier if they were - to not want to provide for them. But they're just doing what we've taught them to do. Hear Jesus and do whatever He says. And BTW - we have no security to offer you.

And it is ripping my heart out to see them hear and obey and trust. Because I know how He invites to pain, to hard ~ to Intimacy. Raising children to Trust is similar to teaching a child to walk a tight rope across the back yard and then hearing them say they are going to tight rope the Grand Canyon.


So we've tried to raise them to be grateful, and to work hard, and to dream dreams that only He can meet. To not "play it safe" for securities sake. Imagine if you will a perfectly handwritten Invitation from the Author to them to Trust. And a small note to their parents tucked inside saying "Thank You" and the parent wanting to rip that note up. Just being real here.


So back to title of this blog The Rich Young Ruler. LOL I've been watching my older two children as they dream and trust. My oldest son is in Waco attending a community college, working an average 30 hours a week in retail to pay his way, taking a full load of classes, training for a 60 mile race and living with a GREAT group of young men who love Jesus and attend a private university. You see where I'm going...salt in the wound of the parent who cannot pay for a private university for their kids who never ask for anything! :) And then my oldest daughter who has what must be a spiritual gift with financial responsibility (she did NOT get this from her dad or me) planning out every detail of how she will pay for her education. Happily and with a kind heart, I might add - no guilting toward her parents or acting like we've let her down. Just hearing Him and obeying.


Fast forward to this Christmas break and we all sit down to watch a great documentary called "Beware of Christians"on Netflix. Four young college men - from wealthy Dallas families - launch off to Europe to ask hard questions about their faith. But before they leave they take some time to show their immaturity and pick apart their parents faith and their wealth and the way they live their "Christianity" out day to day and yet they leave out how these same parents pay their bills and hold a nice, wide net of financial security that allows them to "take risk". I looked at my husband and smiled. He hates the cockiness of these kinds of young men who've been given so much and throw it back in the face of their parents with ingratitude. That's something these parents have failed at in their effort to provide for their children - teaching children gratitude and their responsibility to be a conduit of any riches: monetary, spiritual or physical.


I love how each generation tries to correct the wrongs of their parents generations. And in our efforts to make things right we keep messing up. And I'd like to add that I'm one of the best at this effort - the messing up part. Like hearing my boys say "I'm am NOT going to marry a girl that's *crunchy* or wants to have our babies at home!" That would be their mother they're talking about. ;) Differentiation at it's best! But I do like to see how my children's generation is adjusting their response to the way they were raised. Super intriguing.

So these kids in the documentary - who reminded me from the get go of TRYR - whose parents were paying for their educations and more than likely this adventure to Europe - take off and come back really looking more like Jesus. I loved their zeal and I loved their heart to pursue simple Christianity in all it's ways. But it did make me stop and think about this new trend in my kids' generation. Simplicity = Security. Fists raised at their parents efforts to work hard and be rewarded for that hard work. A good one (unless the reward becomes the savior), but maybe blinded in ways too. Just like me and my efforts to adjust the response to my parents way of life - blind spots get passed down in the gene pool. And it made me stop and think about my two oldest working hard for the education they feel Jesus asking them to attain. This gets messy for me. Because simplicity doesn't suggest hard work - it suggests keeping life manageable and relaxed. So either we failed with these first two children or Jesus is telling me something else.


I love simplicity and the way it invites Peace. And I also think that in an effort to differentiate from their parents, the generation today marks their "simplicity" by often giving it the definition of living life with an attitude of arranging life to not require working hard, making "poverty" a Holy aspiration (can I just say that these kids haven't known poverty - which makes it cool - poverty doesn't have a back up plan. Jesus loved the poor and they were blessed because they could see the Hope in another Kingdom - they're eyes were not blinded by Earthly security:) and choosing a life that allows for doing things half-way and steering away from the things in life that invite risk and hard work. For sure they're not suggesting the absence of technology as a part of simplicity or removing themselves from the busyness of life that distracts from relationship and making things right for others. It seems like the "simplicity" they're offering many times relates to the parts of life that allow you to not press into the hard of what we were put here to do - "take dominion over the earth" and thanks to the folks in Eden - it's toil. As well, to give away what we have been given.  Really it's a great plan to secure you never suffer loss.

Because if you keep yourself from having anything to lose - you'll never find yourself in the position of TRYR. 

It's made me stop and think about this RYR and how Jesus asked him to give everything away and follow Him. Jesus had everything and gave it away. I don't know why it struck me, but I realized that this young man had something to GIVE. We don't know if it was because of his parent's wealth or his hard work, but nevertheless - Jesus was asking him to give up security. Really He was saying "Can you do like I did and give up your security - give it all away? I promise He will repay everything."

He wasn't asking him to stop working hard, suggesting he not get married, live in poverty (the last thing poor people want is another poor person) and provide the best for his family - he was asking him to give up security. Because that's what the poor understood - they had no security in this life except in what Christ was offering them ~ another Kingdom. And for TRYR security was blinding him to the Hope of another Kingdom, another Way ~ it was the sack over his head that kept him from seeing Jesus. Holding tightly to the plastic beads of "security" instead of the diamonds of Trust being offered him. And it seems like that's what Jesus is inviting us all to do ~ in some way or another. To give up security for Trust.


I'm finding myself sitting among "the poor" this morning, listening to Him. Getting ready to say good-bye to my son as he heads back down to work in Waco and an empty apt while his friends are securely at home with their families. I hate how He invites to Trust when it comes to my children enduring hard. Hate it. Many times I've wanted to suggest they stop hearing and obeying. It hurts too much. And I forget the Joy set before them and how it's worth the Crosses they'll bear. But then among the other "poor" I remember that  I'm waiting for another Kingdom to come - and find my children's weak efforts made Strong by Him. Today - I have nothing to give to my children's first steps to hear and obey, but


And He is Enough. 'Tis so sweet to Trust in Jesus...


  1. OOF. Sometimes even your peaceful words spoken gently are a swift kick in the pants. Love this truth so much. I miss living under your wing, Ami. :)


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